If you have existing high school credit and would like to earn your diploma from the University of Nebraska High School, begin by completing a Transcript Evaluation Form. If a student has attended multiple high schools since ninth grade, UNHS must receive an official transcript from each school. UNHS academic advising will provide an accurate evaluation of your transferable credit hours and a list of remaining courses to earn your diploma from UNHS.

Students receiving a diploma from UNHS must successfully complete 25 credit hours with UNHS regardless of the number of credit accepted for transfer from other schools. UNHS reserves the right to determine credits that will be allowed as transfer credits. Official transcripts must be mailed to UNHS; or UNHS will accept e-transcripts from the following providers:

  • Parchment
  • Scrip Safe
  • National Transcript Center/Hobsons

Transcripts must be presented in English. Certified, literal (line-by-line) English translations must be received for all academic records not originally in English and must accompany the original transcripts written in the native language. Translations must be completed by an independent certified translator or performed and sealed by the country’s embassy. Translations from unverifiable sources will not be accepted.

Transferring Credit from Accredited Schools

Credits earned at accredited secondary schools will be evaluated as they equate to the UNHS credit hours system. International programs approved by the Ministry of Education will be reviewed as accredited. An accredited school is one that has state accreditation from the state in which it is located and/or regional or national accreditation and is able to produce an official high school transcript.

Transferring Credit from Non-Accredited Schools

Students transferring credits from non-accredited schools must provide an official transcript and take the California Achievement Test (CAT) to validate their credits. The CAT is available online at academicexcellence.com. Please use the code “UNHS,” so results are automatically submitted to UNHS. We strongly recommend that a proctor is used. For additional registration details, please contact Customer Service. Academic credits may be validated in mathematics, social studies, English and science. UNHS will accept a total of 50 credit hours (five Carnegie units) per academic year for core and elective courses combined.

Homeschool students follow the same procedure as students from unaccredited schools (above). Transcript records must include a listing of subjects taken at each grade level. Each subject should be accompanied by a listing of the major textbook, including title and publisher, used in the course.

Duplicate Credit Hours

If a student has taken two courses considered to be duplicate, only one core-course credit will be granted. A one-year course that is transferred to UNHS is considered as one course and will receive a maximum of one core-course credit. For example, Algebra 1 spread over two years would receive one unit of credit. Students may choose to retake a course to improve their grade. Only the course with the higher grade will be recorded for credit. This policy meets NCAA compliance.

Transferring UNHS Credit to a Student’s Local School

If transferring UNHS credit to the student’s local school, a signature of the local school administrator is required. Please submit a Local School Approval Form.