What are the costs for tuition/fees?

Because University of Nebraska High School is not-for-profit and part of the University of Nebraska system, tuition/fees are affordable. Each .5 credit/5 credit hour course (one semester credit) costs $300. The cost is $50 administration fee + $250 tuition = $300. Each .5 credit/5 credit hour course (one semester credit) with digital course pack costs $350. The cost is $50 administration fee + $300 tuition = $350. Each 1 credit/10 credit hour course (two semester credit) costs $550. The cost is $50 administration fee + $500 tuition = $550.

Some courses also require textbook/materials. Textbook/materials may be purchased through Follett Virtual Bookstore or sourced elsewhere - UNHS provides the book title, ISBN and list of any required materials.  

Courses can be paid for with major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover), check or money order. Cash is also accepted on site (please do not mail cash). All payments need to be in U.S. dollars. Purchase orders can be arranged for U.S. public schools.

Is there a discount for Nebraska residents?

Yes, tuition/fee costs for Nebraska residents is reduced to $250 per .5 credit/5credit hour course (one semester credit). The cost is $50 administration fee + $200 tuition = $250.

May I take just one course?

Yes, students are welcome to take only one course and have credit transferred to their local school or have credit applied towards their diploma.

What is the cost for a full year of high school?

Typically students will complete 10 courses per grade of school. This would cost $3,000 for tuition/fees with additional cost for textbooks/materials.

Where can books be purchased?

Any required textbook/materials can be purchased and shipped through Follett Virtual Bookstore. Textbooks/materials can also be sourced elsewhere. Textbook title, ISBN and required materials list is found with course description.

What is the return/refund policy at UNHS?

Course Cancellation Fee: Cancelling an enrollment or dropping a course will result in a refund of the course fee minus $35 for processing per course enrollment and $15 for each submitted teacher connect activity, evaluation, project or progress test. The refund will be processed upon receipt of a written request received within 30 days from the date of enrollment. All other fees charged at the time of enrollment are non-refundable.

Administrative Fee: There are no refunds for the administrative fee.

Mail Processing Supplies: There are no refunds for the mail processing supplies.

Textbooks and Materials: The University of Nebraska High School partners with Follett Virtual Bookstores to provide needed textbooks and instructional materials for UNHS courses. Follett’s return policy is available for review.