All students enrolled in the University of Nebraska High School are expected to observe a code of academic honesty. The following information explains the Academic Honesty policies and procedures. Any compromise of this Academic Honesty policy, whether it involves copying a homework assignment, cheating on a test or plagiarizing written responses will be treated seriously by the teachers and administration of the University of Nebraska High School.


The University of Nebraska High School’s definition of plagiarism is outlined below. All UNHS students are responsible for understanding this definition. Plagiarism, as defined by UNHS, is presenting someone else’s work as your own (i.e., without proper acknowledgment of the source) or submitting examinations, reports, speeches, drawings, lab notes or other academic work in whole or in part as your own when such work has been prepared by another person or copied from another person. Using generative artificial intelligence (AI) to create your submissions is another example of plagiarism as it is copying and presenting the work of a computer program as your own. Plagiarism also includes copying answers word-for-word from the course content without including a citation of sources used.


In order to help identify plagiarism in student work, the University of Nebraska High School has enlisted the help of Turnitin, an internationally recognized program that identifies uncited, unoriginal information in student work. Students are reminded to always cite sources whenever they utilize information from the web or any other resource. Students caught violating UNHS plagiarism or other academic policies will be subject to disciplinary action.


The following descriptions are offered to help students, proctors and parents understand how the University of Nebraska High School defines cheating:

  • Allowing someone else to copy your work.
  • Copying or attempting to copy from a test, exam, or assignment of another student.
  • Having someone else complete your work for you.
  • Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices for a test, examination or assignment.
  • Giving information in an unauthorized manner to another person for academic tests, examinations or assignments.

Additional Forms of Academic Dishonesty


UNHS defines falsification as the alteration of information, while defining fabrication as the invention or counterfeiting of information. Fabrication also includes fabricating an otherwise justifiable excuse, such as illness, injury, accident etc., in order to avoid or delay timely submission of academic work or the taking of an examination.

Unauthorized Assistance:

This includes helping or attempting to help another student to commit an act of academic dishonesty and is considered academic dishonesty as well.

Alteration of Feedback:

Changing or destroying grades, scores or markings on a test or examination is prohibited.

Disciplinary Actions Resulting from Academic Dishonesty

If a teacher at the University of Nebraska High School finds that a student has committed any act of academic dishonesty, the teacher may recommend to UNHS administration, depending on the severity of the situation, one of the following:

  • No credit (zero grade) for the written assignment or exam.
  • A failing grade for the entire course (forfeiting the tuition).
  • Repeated academic dishonesty may result in dismissal from UNHS.

UNHS administration will follow up with the proctor/student/parent/local school administration, as appropriate. A new proctor will be required if it is determined that the proctor promoted or supported the dishonesty.

The University of Nebraska High School realizes that the temptation to cheat while taking an independent study course may be especially great; after all, the teacher isn’t watching while the student completes his/her work, but accepting the responsibility for one’s own actions is a vital piece of individual success.