Congratulations from the University of Nebraska High School Director and Principal
The staff at UNHS encourages graduates to fully engage themselves in this graduation experience and to reflect on the journey that got them here. Think about observing this occasion by gathering an online watch party with family, friends, and supporters. You may also consider wearing a graduation cap, tassel, and gown!
No matter how you commemorate your achievement, please take a moment to enjoy these words of celebration for earning your high school diploma with UNHS. Select the images below to play video addresses to the UNHS Class of 2022.
Presenting the Class of 2022
Select the images below to watch videos presenting the names of UNHS graduates, photos and words of wisdom and praise from UNHS teachers and staff, and photos and remarks from graduates of the Class of 2022.
2022 Graduate Facts
Select the images below to watch videos displaying where the Class of 2022 is from, the careers and other aspirations graduates are preparing to explore, and the colleges and universities graduates are planning to attend.
Thank you for participating in our 2022 graduation celebration! We wish all of you success and happiness as you enter the next chapter of your lives! Graduates: please use hashtag #UNHSAlumni to share your journeys and stay in touch on social media!