What does a proctor do?

A proctor is someone in the student’s local area who: 

  • Supervises the student while taking closed-book progress tests
  • Shares test results and feedback with the student once progress tests have been graded
  • May monitor student progress 

Depending on the arrangements made between the student, parent/guardian and proctor, a proctor may also answer questions about course material, provide motivation, assist in setting schedules and perform other duties. The proctor has access to the online learning platform to download progress tests and view student progress and grades.

Proctors administering progress tests for students must be able to download tests and follow procedures provided at the time of student enrollment. If the proctor is not able to use a computer, it is recommended that the student either choose another proctor or select the Mail Processing service at the time of enrollment so progress tests can be mailed.

Who can be a proctor?

The most acceptable choice for a proctor is a current or retired elementary, secondary or post-secondary level educator. The person could be a teacher, counselor, administrator, or extension educator. Other acceptable choices include head librarians, local clergy, and community and civic leaders. 

Parents may not serve as proctors for students unless approved by UNHS administration, and then only in an extraordinary circumstance. If you feel your circumstance is extraordinary (such as school closings or other situations due to COVID-19), you will need to secure approval from UNHS administration.

Military families may use base education officers, chaplains, and superior commissioned officers. Families living overseas may use embassy or consulate officials or other approved non-family members.

All proctors of diploma students must be approved by the University of Nebraska High School. The local school district must approve proctors if the student is enrolled in the district and planning to transfer credit to one of the district’s schools. Online proctoring services are not allowed. 

To provide proctor information or have it updated: 

If a student and proctor are planning to use the learning management system, both must have a unique email address. Due to security features, a student and proctor cannot share an email address.

Proctor Guide

Our Proctor Guide provides step-by-step descriptions of proctor responsibilities.