What courses are offered?
Visit our webstore to browse courses.
How long does it take to complete a course?
Students have a full calendar year from the date they enroll to complete each course. Minimum course completion time is five weeks, beginning from the date UNHS receives the first graded work from the student.
How much time should a student spend on each course?
Each semester course is the equivalent of a 90-hour seat time class, meaning students should spend approximately 60 to 80 minutes five days a week on each course – about the same amount of time traditional high school students typically spend in their classes. Following this schedule, students will complete their course in approximately 18 weeks.
How are prerequisites for a course determined?
Each course description explains the goals of the course and includes a listing of prerequisites if needed. UNHS will also perform a transcript evaluation (for a fee).
What is "gating and sequencing" of courses?
All UNHS courses have gating and sequencing. Gating means only one assignment per course can be submitted per day. Sequencing means all Teacher Connect Activities, Unit Evaluations, Projects and Progress Tests within a course must be completed by the student in the order they are presented.
How do students start a course and submit assignments?
Students access course content and submit assignments through the UNHS online learning management system, Theorem.