What is the University of Nebraska High School?
The University of Nebraska High School (UNHS) is an accredited, college-prep high school that offers more than 100 core, elective, AP®, dual credit, and NCAA-approved courses online. All courses are carefully designed for self-paced study, with 24/7/365 availability. All UNHS teachers are certificated and hold subject area endorsements. UNHS provides administration, advising, all grading, and feedback. Credits earned from UNHS may be transferred to a local school or applied toward a diploma from the University of Nebraska High School.Who does the University of Nebraska High School serve?
The University of Nebraska High School serves schools and students throughout the world. Public and private schools offer UNHS online courses to students as a way to increase course choice and fit scheduling. Homeschool parents, learning organizations, and individual students choose UNHS for some or all of their high school courses. UNHS offers the opportunity to earn a high school diploma as well as individual credits.
Is the University of Nebraska High School accredited?
Yes, the University of Nebraska High School has been accredited by the Nebraska Department of Education since 1968 and Cognia (formerly AdvancED) since 1978. UNHS courses also meet the ISTE Standards for Students, Teachers, and Education Leaders. All core and Advanced Placement® courses are College Board® approved and all core and Advanced Placement® courses are NCAA-approved.