The University of Nebraska High School is proud to recognize the following students who have earned National Merit Finalist scholarships during the 2014-15 school year.

Laura Herman

Laura is starting at the University of Seattle this fall where she plans to study English with a creative writing concentration. She would like to become a writer though she is not quite sure what type of writing she will pursue.

To be successful academically, she suggests that current UNHS students always work their hardest, stay positive and learn from their mistakes.

Emily Little

Emily has already completed her first year of college at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL), majoring in Psychology and minoring in biology and English. She currently has two research positions within psychology, and she is involved in several on-campus activities. She has also continued her volunteer work at her church and a local hospital.

Her suggestion for current UNHS students: “Find what motivates you and incorporate that into your daily studies to keep you pumped up about your future."

Connor Mullin

In addition to being a National Merit Finalist, Connor is proud to be a University of Nebraska–Lincoln Chancellor’s Scholar. He will begin his study at UNL this fall and will major in history. He hopes to prepare for a career in local government or an associated field.

To current UNHS students Connor said: “Other students who want to do well should focus on their main studies, as well as their extracurricular activities and not stress about their ability to fill in the little circles on a standardized test."

Hannah Solheim

While she has many passions, Hannah is particularly looking forward to studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston and turning this education into an entrepreneurial career.

Her suggestion to current UNHS students is to appreciate “knowledge for the sake of knowledge.” She said: “Knowledge is a very powerful thing that fully enriches all parts of one’s life."

Again—congratulations to these students on this prestigious academic award.