As of Feb. 3, 2025, UNHS is announcing updates to five courses in two subject areas. All five course updates include new course versions. 

Two updated courses also include a change to Teacher Connects in that these activities will now be factored into student grades, and one updated course will no longer have a required textbook. Additionally, student recorded audio components were added to the two updated language courses.

Please note: Office Practices is being discontinued and the last day of sale for this course was Feb. 2, 2025.

Details of the five updated course versions are highlighted below. 

Introduction to Business Management. New version of course with new edition (second edition) of same required textbook. Course available in print or online.

First Year German. New version of course with course textbook no longer being required. Student recorded audio components have been added to all Teacher Connects and Projects, and Teacher Connects are now also each worth 1% of a student’s overall grade. Course remains available online only.

Third Year Spanish. New version of course. Student recorded audio components have been added to all Teacher Connects and Projects, and Teacher Connects are now also each worth 1% of a student’s overall grade. Course available in print or online.

Pre-Engineering. New version of course with new edition (third edition) of same required textbook. Course available in print or online.  

Introduction to Computer Science Coding. New version of course with new edition (second edition) of same required textbook. An optional downloadable software selection has also been changed in this course update. Course remains available online only. 

Visit the UNHS Store to learn more about these courses as well as the other 100+ courses we offer.